10 Best Telegram Bots You Must Know
Telegram may seem to be just another messaging app but it does hold much more potential than Whatsapp or Facebook Messenger. Here are the 10 Best Telegram Bots you must know.

Providing better encryption and privacy promises than the contemporary giant companies, Telegram also enables many automation features such as secret or self-destructing messages and AI-driven Bots. As we list the 10 best telegram bots you must know to save time right here, we also have you covered with the significance of these tools in our daily lives.
AI-driven bots motivate a range of helpful features. You can use, create, or download bots to assist you with updates, alerts, and much more. Telegram is a unique platform that enables users to set up channels and broadcast content along with encrypted messaging features.
One can share files on Telegram without thinking about the file size as it allows unlimited file size. You can follow the channels of your choice here on Telegram to access their daily content. Telegram is cloud-based thus it is accessible on the Web along with the mobile application.
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What do the Telegram bots do?
Telegram bots are small AI-driven programs that enable automation for various features. ‘Telegram bot API’ is used to create such bots by third-party developers to automate the processing of the channel. Telegram has many official bots such as @gif and @GDPRbot for specific tasks.
The bots automate the channel’s management such as an automatic reply to messages, alerts, reminders, and much more. Some even let you play games and manage files. The more bots you come through they can do for you. One can enable more than one bot in their channel at a time.
Check out these 10 Best Telegram Bots-
1. BotFather – @BotFather
BotFather is exactly the father of bots as it creates new bot accounts. It also helps in managing and customizing existing bots.

To find this very useful bot, all you have to do is search @BotFather in the search tab. Once you open BotFather your Telegram app will give you access to help files about Telegram bots and Bot API manuals to help you create a new automated bot.
Bot Link – https://telegram.me/BotFather
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2. Skeddy – @SkeddyBot
Skeddy is a very helpful bot for setting up alerts and reminders of any kind. It works efficiently as a reminder tool and helps you manage your schedule.

All you need to do to create a reminder is to send a text message as a command with the specific work and time and the bot will get back to you with the reminder on time. Once you input the command by sending the text, it will ask you for the time zone to be precise with the alert and you will get a Telegram message as a reminder of that particular time.
Bot Link – https://skeddy.me/
3. File to Bot – @filetobot
The struggle with cloud storage management is very real in this digital world and it may be minimized if you use the File to Bot tool on Telegram. This bot enables you unlimited cloud storage where you can just safely keep all kinds of files. Just send the desired files in the chat and the bot will store them category-wise automatically.

You can always check and download your files here. The better thing is there are no limitations with storage and file type which makes it a real deal. A specific file with allowed access to others can also be created easily using this bot to share around.
Bot Link – https://filetobot.com/
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4. File Converter – @newfileconverterbot
The File Converter bot works as a great tool to customize and convert files. It can assist you in converting images, audio, and video files from one format to another.

A very handy tool for converting files as it can seamlessly convert a JPG file into PNG, WEBP, GIF, BMP, TIFF, and PDF. It also supports video and audio messages on Telegram and WhatsApp along with documents, eBooks, and font files. It is compatible with 63 file types with 579 possible conversions.
Bot Link – https://telegramchannels.me/bots/newfileconverterbot
5. Get Media Bot – @GetMediaBot
This is a kind of open encyclopedia of media where you can find your preferred media file. The Get Media Bot helps you access media files from all over the internet. Once you send your query in the chat, the bot does the hard work for you.

It can serve you following services such as downloading music, videos, Instagram stories, and other media files and searching for lyrics. The Direct Download feature enables you to download media files directly from various platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and SoundCloud easily. A very promising tool.
Bot Link – https://thereisabotforthat.com/bots/getmediabot
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6. Feed Reader Bots – @TheFeedReaderBot
Feed Reader is a very well-equipped automation tool that can ease your social media management. It allows you to subscribe to RSS feeds on any blogs, websites, or social media platforms and keeps you notified about the latest posts from those websites directly in your Telegram chat.

You can easily stay updated with your Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube feed with this powerful tool. It also enables a search option to find specific feeds.
Bot Link – https://thefeedreaderbot.com/
7. GameBot – @gamebot
GameBot is among many official bots from Telegram. It helps you to play games along with your friends and to chat with them. It also offers some sample games as it is said to be the demo for the Telegram Gaming Platform.

It’s a light bot to help you have some leisure time while gaming low-key games with friends. Once you start the bot it will ask you to ‘choose 3 fun games’ to play and ‘pick your friends’ and you are good to go. That’s easy.
Bot Link – https://t.me/gamebot
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8. InviteMember – @InviteMemberBot
This one is quite a professional bot as it helps you manage a members-only channel or group. The Invite Member bot guides you through the steps of creating a subscription-based business on Telegram in chronological order.

The features it enables are Credit, debit, and crypto processing, Automated subscribers management, Customisable membership bots, 15+ language options, Custom commands, and more. Although it is okay for you to let Telegram take a 10% commission for each payment on your channel, you can also access the pro features of this professional bot.
Bot Link – https://invitemember.com/
9. FB Video Download Bot – @FBvidzBot
As evident with the name, this bot is dedicated to having you download Facebook videos. All you need is to copy the link of the desired video from Facebook and send it to the @FBvidzBot chat and it will get back to you with the video in the inbox.

This tool is very helpful as it is more efficient than Video Downloaders and does the job just right.
Bot Link – https://botostore.com/c/fbvidzbot/
10. Movies Tracker – @movieS4Bot
If you are a cinema enthusiast and always seek little information about movies, the Movies Tracker bot can have you sorted as it offers all the information about a movie in one go including IMDB rating, cast, plot, review, and everything related.

All you need to do is drop the name of the movie in the chat and there you go! All the details are served on your screen.
Bot Link – https://telegram.me/movieS4Bot
Some of the more bots that could be useful are @imagebot, @memeautobot, @pstrbot, @pollbot, @GithubReleasesBot, @StickerDownloadbot, and @TweetItBot. To enable any of these bots on your Telegram, all you need to do is search their mentioned bot name and they will navigate you accordingly. We have mentioned some of the best telegram bots above. Do check them out and try and let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.
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