
Windows 11 to get Support for Third-Party Widgets just like Windows Vista

The 22H2 version of Windows 11 will initially only support third-party widgets, but compatibility will eventually be extended to the original version of the OS.

Microsoft‘s most recent operating system is Windows 11. The new operating system emphasizes design enhancements based on WinUI. It also brings back the “c” feature including third-party widgets, which is similar to the gadgets of Windows Vista. 

Windows 11 to get Support for Third-Party Widgets just like Windows Vista
Image Source: Windows Latest

If you’ve ever used Windows 7 or Windows Vista, you’re probably familiar with gadgets and widgets. The new OS widget, on the other hand, is not entirely based on the gadgets notion of Windows 7 or Vista.

Windows 11 currently does not allow you to pin to the desktop, and it only appears in the widgets board. Widgets are only available for Microsoft programs and the News & Interests stream.

In Windows 11 Version 22H2, support for third-party widgets will be added

According to previous rumors, Microsoft is intending to add compatibility for third-party devices. The third-party devices will be featured in the 22H2 edition of Windows 11, according to the papers. Users will be able to modify the widget board according to their preferences thanks to third-party support.

Windows 11 to get Support for Third-Party Widgets just like Windows Vista
Image Source: Windows Latest

The 22H2 version of Windows 11 will initially only support third-party widgets, but compatibility will eventually be extended to the original version of the c.


The APIs for third-party widgets have yet to be discovered in the current preview or stable editions of Windows 11. As a result, we’ll have to wait a few weeks or months for the first third-party preview.

A new version of the Windows Web Experience Pack will be required for the third-party widgets capability. The developers will upload the widgets to the Microsoft Store.

Windows 11 to get Support for Third-Party Widgets just like Windows Vista
Image Source: CNET

Because Windows 11 relies on web experience packs for widgets, Microsoft will provide third-party compatibility for older versions of the OS.

More developers are expected to begin working with Microsoft on new widgets for Windows 11 before the summer of 2022, according to reports.

The Windows widgets board will be moved to the left side of the screen as part of the Sun Valley 2 upgrade, and users will be able to monitor weather updates on the taskbar.



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